MoveRx is a fitness forward rehab company. Our mission is to leave every patient fitter, and more knowledgeable about their pain than they were before injury. Let’s get your movement prescription ready to take you to the next level.

Meet Devan!
Devan Sedlacek graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2020 with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. As an avid CrossFitter and competitive Powerlifter herself, she understands the demands of higher level fitness and can help you rehab back to the level necessary to excel in your sport. One of her special interests includes chronic pain and specifically education on the nuances and current evidence regarding unrelenting pain that no one else has been able to explain to you. If you are dealing with a nagging injury, send a message today!

Meet Shane!
Shane received his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2021. He has a passion for helping individuals maintain athleticism throughout their lifespan. When was the last time you jumped? Ran? These skills tend to waiver with age but maintaining them is essential for staying young. If you have been told you are too old for X,Y and Z and pain is stopping you from living your life to it’s fullest, give Shane a call!